The hilarious comic twists that awaits when Joymon, desperate to escape his lonely, mundane and routine life in remote freezing Canada, decides to travel to his hometown in Kerala only to celebrate his 30th birthday, forms the base of the story.
演员 (10/16)
职员 (17/17)
Original Music ComposerGanapathi S Poduval
Co-WriterPhoenix Prabhu
StuntsP. K. Jinu
Production ControllerMashar Hamsa
Costume DesignChidambaram
DirectorShawn Antony
ProducerVivi Charly
Still PhotographerAnwar Ali
LyricistVishnu Thandassery
Director of PhotographyKiran Das
EditorR G Wayanadan
Makeup ArtistLakshmi Warrier
ProducerGanesh Menon
ProducerSajith Kumar K
ProducerSapnesh Varachal
Co-WriterVinesh Banglan
Production Design媒体