Elio, an underdog with an active imagination, finds himself inadvertently beamed up to the Communiverse, an interplanetary organization with representatives from galaxies far and wide. Mistakenly identified as Earth’s ambassador to the rest of the universe, and completely unprepared for that kind of pressure, Elio must form new bonds with eccentric alien lifeforms, survive a series of formidable trials and somehow discover who he is truly meant to be.
演员 (4/4)
职员 (20/44)
Rob Simonsen
Original Music ComposerRandy Thom
Sound DesignerGary Rizzo
Sound Re-Recording MixerTerri Douglas
ADR Voice CastingPete Horner
Sound Re-Recording MixerHarley Jessup
Production DesignKevin Reher
CastingMary Alice Drumm
ProducerPete Docter
Executive ProducerDaniel Laurie
Supervising Sound EditorJuan Peralta
Sound Re-Recording MixerDanielle Feinberg
Director of PhotographyJames W. Brown
AnimationMatt Walker
Executive Music ProducerBjorn Ole Schroeder
Supervising Sound EditorMike Stern
AnimationJeremy Bowker
Sound DesignerTom Holkenborg
Original Music ComposerCatherine Hang-Hicks
Animation DirectorYouri Dekker