Part of an ongoing series, this collection showcases 10 explicit short films directed by Erika Lust: showcasing her trademark cinematic style, fresh-faced performers and authentic stories created by the public. Included: I Fucking Love Ikea; Let's Make a Porno; Sadistic Trainer; A Blowjob is Always a great Last Minute Gift Idea; I'm a Verry Badx Secvretary; Obsessed; I Pegged My Boyfriend; Sit Down, Shut-Up and Watch; Hold Me So Tight It Hurts; My First Time Eating Oysters and Pussy.
演员 (10/23)
职员 (18/18)
Alter Sin
EditorNoel Alejandro
EditorCarlos García
Assistant CameraErika Lust
ScreenplayPablo Dobner
Executive ProducerLaila Alsane
Makeup ArtistGaston Garcia Pieragostini
Director of PhotographyDaniel Barros
Sound RecordistArman Ciudad
Sound RecordistJorge Garrigós
Sound RecordistFernando López
Assistant CameraGema Click
Director of PhotographyEsteban Garcia Torres
Assistant CameraMarta Picazo
Makeup ArtistAna Sita
Makeup ArtistGorka Postigo
Still PhotographerLaura Jorquera
DriverJavi Larra