The story of Adem, a poor and hunchbacked man who follows the legendary Pirebok, prompted to him in childhood, to start a family, and his paths cross with a woman who managed to survive with her daughter fleeing the war and took refuge in a neighboring country.
演员 (10/15)
职员 (16/16)
Soner Akalın
Assistant DirectorNurullah Kaya
WriterMurat Nergiz
EditorRojda Benteşen
Makeup & Hair AssistantÇekdar Erkıran
Producerİhsan Şakar
GafferFelat Erkozan
Sound DesignerLütfü Irdem
DirectorHıdır Serhat Ak
Director of PhotographyDoğan Tutak
Assistant Director of PhotographySakıp Yaşar
EditorÖmer Eken
Art DirectionHüseyin Akgül
Art DirectionLoran Özer
MusicSezer Aslan
ColoristKendal Adıgüzel
Sound Mixer媒体