For Those Left Behind
Haufan arrives in his hometown with the feeling of agitated because he has to accept his father’s death while he was on his way to visit his father after a while. Haufan must escort his father to the last resting place by doing the funeral process which is Haufan’s family tradition. In this funeral process, Haufan found out things that he never knew before.
演员 (5/5)
职员 (20/44)
Rayna Azkia Zalfa
Actor's AssistantYossenda Venus
Wardrobe AssistantDanny Salomo S
Producer's AssistantRia Angin Delila
Actor's AssistantRara WiriTanaya
Wardrobe AssistantMuhammad Dani
Location Production AssistantRestu Cahya Apendy
Production DriverHaniffia Shafa Mahartanti
Location Production AssistantMuhammad Raflie Maulana
Production ArtistBadra Andhipani Jagat
Script ConsultantAkbar Maulana
Makeup & HairCikal Artha Anugerahito
DirectorM. Alam Alghifari
Assistant DirectorAlzahra Nurul Putri Maharani
ContinuityTeguh Santoso
BTS FootageCendana Evelyn Natalia
Title GraphicsNaswa Nisa Hamda Wuri
Line ProducerSaddam Putra Dewa Rimbawan
Line Producer
Bernadetta Rahel Anggun Hernida
Assistant Director
Aflah Rahmat Winanda
Sound Designer媒体