Robolove is a documentary that explores the interaction between humans and humanoid robots. The filmmaker visits various technology research centers in Japan, Korea, China, USA and Europe as researchers share the challenges of injecting human emotions into these robots.
演员 (7/7)
职员 (18/18)
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
ProducerMarkus Glaser
ProducerMichael Kitzberger
Line ProducerWolfgang Widerhofer
ProducerAndreas Hamza
Sound EditorMaria Arlamovsky
ScreenplayHjalti Bager-Jonathansson
Sound RecordistKatharina Posch
Production ManagerThomas Pötz
Sound Re-Recording MixerSebastian Arlamovsky
Director of PhotographySergey Martynyuk
Sound RecordistAntonia Bernkopf
Production ManagerAlexander Gugitscher
EditorEmily Artmann
EditorBoris Hauf
MusicJuliane Beer
Unit ManagerJona Simon
Unit ManagerWeina Zhao
Unit Manager媒体