Suburban Knights(2011)
The Nostalgia Critic and his fellow reviewers from the website That Guy with the Glasses dress up as famous fantasy characters and go searching for a magic gauntlet hidden in suburban Illinois. Real villains start showing up to stop their plans, and they discover that this isn't so much a "game" as they had first assumed!
演员 (10/19)
Doug Walker
Nostalgia Critic/Ask That Guy With the Glasses/Chester A. BumLindsay Ellis
Nostalgia Chick / ArwenLewis Lovhaug
Linkara / King ArthurNoah Antwiler
The Spoony One / The Gatecleaner / Housewife / GandalfBrad Jones
Cinema Snob / Indiana JonesJoe Vargas
Angry Joe / Inigo MontoyaPhelan Porteous
Phelous / RockbiterBenjamin Daniel
Benzaie / Conan the BarbarianAllison Pregler
Obscurus Lupa / Snow WhiteKaylyn Saucedo
MarzGurl / San职员 (4/4)