This animated short tells the story of a ferocious polar bear turned to stone by an Inuk shaman. The tale is based on emerging filmmaker Echo Henoche's favourite legend, as told to her by her grandmother in her home community of Nain, Nunatsiavut, on Labrador's North Coast. Hand-drawn and painted by Henoche in a style all her own, Shaman is the first collaboration between the Labrador artist and the NFB.
职员 (20/30)
Luigi Allemano
Sound DesignerRandall Finnerty
Technical SupervisorYannick Carrier
Online EditorDaniel Lord
Technical SupervisorJean-Paul Vialard
Sound Re-Recording MixerAnnette Clarke
Executive ProducerGeoffrey Mitchell
Sound RecordistPatrick Trahan
Digital Imaging TechnicianDavid Seitz
CompositorCamila Blos
AdministrationLeslie Anne Poyntz
AdministrationKarla Baumgardner
FoleyKat Baulu
ProducerÉloi Champagne
Technical SupervisorMylène Augustin
Production ManagerJean-François Laprise
Technical SupervisorGlenn Gear
CompositorJacques Bertrand Simard
Title DesignerIsabelle Painchaud
Digital Imaging TechnicianDara Jade Moats
Production Manager媒体