O Protagonista(2021)
With Don Quixote, by Cervantes, as a background the play is set in the backstage of a theatre house focusing on the routine of a young actor that's more of an extra - dreaming more than achieving, closer to failure than to talent he dreams of a life of glory and recognition. We watch romantic, artistic and social adventures and misadventures of a generations profoundly inept against another that simply gave up on being. A comedy about the fear of rejection with double edged swords and the tale of the knight of underachievement.
演员 (10/13)
职员 (12/12)

Luís Lobão
Sérgio Graciano
DirectorMiguel Manso
Director of PhotographyMaria Camões
CostumerDavid Ferreira
CostumerInês Pedro
Art DesignerLuís Guerreiro
VFX Artist
Marco Medeiros
DirectorÁlvaro Candeias
Assistant DirectorRenata Sequeira
Assistant DirectorJorge A. Silva
MusicBruno Oliveira
Production Director媒体