The Pinch(2022)
A young university student, bored at work, finds herself at a crossroads. One way leads to a prestigious, but expensive, master's program in finance. Another way leads straight back to her current dead-end job. A third way involves a charming, flirtatious stranger who recognizes her from school. All in all, a strange night to get robbed.
演员 (10/10)
职员 (20/20)

James Newhook
Assistant CameraNick Duncan
Ben Power
Art DirectionHarshdeep Singh
ThanksKeith Bonnell
ProducerPeter Buckle
ProducerChristopher Newhook
ThanksTravis Lucas
ThanksMimi Uchendu
GripEric White
ThanksMichael F. Jackman
Boom OperatorAndrew Musgrave
WriterLori Pretty
Darrell Power
ThanksJohn McKinnon
DirectorSandra Goobie
ThanksCharles Pye-Strowbridge
Director of PhotographyWill Vargas
EditorHalen Pittman
Sound MixerGaylene Buckle