Elara, a young violinist, is madly in love with Lucio, a Sicilian student. Their love blossoms, but suddenly Lucio must return to Italy to care for his sick niece. Elara struggles with loneliness and sadness, until she finds new inspiration in a dream.
职员 (20/26)
Luke Linssen
ColoristFloris Bronkhorst
GafferNoa Mila Deken
DirectorTimothy William Mulder
ProducerXana Merkus
Production ManagerYoran de Boer
First Assistant DirectorJurre Vos
Director of PhotographyCharlotte Stoker
Production DesignJesly Perdomo Polanco
EditorSebastiaan Molenaar
MusicThom Peters
First Assistant CameraTim "Raaf" Zentner
Steadicam OperatorGijs Becks
GafferShana Brown
Stand InRiko Buntsma
Best Boy Lighting TechnicianLelie Daneshvar
Set DresserRosalie Imhof
Wardrobe SupervisorDickenson Eekman
Sound DesignerYentl Slik
Set PhotographerAuke Spijker
Set Photographer媒体