In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless person to sit down to dinner at their wealthy table. Plácido, a humble worker, is hired by the organizers to participate in a parade with his three-wheeled vehicle, a seemingly simple mission that will not be easy for him to accomplish.
演员 (10/42)
职员 (20/30)
Eduardo Noé
Camera OperatorRafael Azcona
ScreenplayJosé Antonio Rojo
EditorCarmen Fábregas
Assistant EditorAntonio Millán
Assistant CameraAlfredo Matas
Executive ProducerJosé Manuel M. Herrero
Production ManagerMiguel Asins Arbó
Original Music ComposerAntonio Cortés
Set DecorationFrancisco Sempere
Director of PhotographyJuan Estelrich March
Assistant DirectorLuis García Berlanga
ScreenplayFelipe Fernández
Sound EngineerMiguel Agudo
Camera OperatorEnrique Bronchalo
Construction ManagerJosé Luis Colina
ScreenplayRamón Baillo
Production AssistantAndrés Vallvé
Production DesignEmilio Godes
Still PhotographerLuis Fernández
Production Assistant媒体