The film tells the story of Raquel, Rodolfo and Hernán, members of a brigade at the UNAM during the student movement in Mexico in 1968. Through their photographs, films and writings, we will know the history of the day that the army took the university and how their students united, shouted and never forgot.
演员 (10/10)
职员 (12/12)
Sandra Solares
ProducerArmando Casas
ProducerBarbara Enriquez
Art DirectionIván Hernández
CinematographyAndrés Sánchez
MusicJosé Manuel Cravioto
DirectorJuan Andrés Vergara
MusicAndrea Manuel
Costume DesignGuadalupe Ferrer Andrade
ProducerMarian Franco
ProducerHugo Villa
ProducerFernanda Morales de la Cerda