Surrounded by social and political chaos in Lima during the summer of 1992, Lucia, Aurora, and their mother, Elena, plan to leave and seek opportunities in the United States. Their farewell involves reconnecting with their estranged father, Carlos, adding turbulence to the regrets, hopes, and fears of their emotional departure.
演员 (10/10)
职员 (17/17)
Paola Freddi
EditorSusana Torres
Production DesignValérie Delpierre
ProducerDiego Romero
Director of PhotographyPhilippe Ciompi
Sound MixerBritta Rindelaub
ProducerKlaudia Reynicke
DirectorDiego Vega Vidal
WriterDaniel Vega Vidal
ProducerCarlos Ibáñez Díaz
Sound MixerKiko Boyero
GafferThomas Reichlin
ProducerJuliette Lamy-au-Rousseau
Makeup ArtistAtilio Quesada Oré
Assistant DirectorDiego Romero
Camera OperatorCharlie Almagro Casado
First Assistant DirectorFernando Velazco
Costume Design媒体