Set in Chellanam, Kochi, the story revolves around the death of Vavachan Mesthiri in a coastal village. It showcases the events that unfold between two evenings and looks at death from different perspectives.
演员 (10/12)
职员 (17/17)
Prashant Pillai
Original Music ComposerRenganaath Ravee
Sound DesignerRima Kallingal
Co-ProducerManu Jagadh
Art DirectionPraveen Varma
Costume DesignShyju Khalid
Director of PhotographyLijo Jose Pellissery
DirectorAashiq Abu
ProducerArjun Kallingal
Still PhotographerVijay
Assistant CameraDeepu Joseph
EditorSunil Singh
Line ProducerBinu Murali
Production ControllerP. F. Mathews
ScreenplayRajesh George Kulangara
ProducerSonu Singh
Executive ProducerRony Joseph
Executive Producer媒体