Jushi Sentai France Five(1999)

France Five, originally titled Juushi Sentai France Five and later known as Shin Kenjuushi France Five, is a French series produced by Buki X-4 Productions in the 2000s. It is an homage to Toei's ever-popular Super Sentai series, which was extremely popular in France in the 1980s. As a nod to Super Sentai titles having certain motifs, France Five has each member themed after certain aspects of French culture. There have been four half-hour episodes of France Five produced. The fifth episode aired on May 5, 2012 during a projection in Paris, and will premiere in June for Japan and the French television, Nolife, created by the creators of France Five. The episode includes a preview of the sixth and final episode. This series is said to be a nod to another Sentai pastiche, Aikoku Sentai Dai-Nippon by Daicon Films.