Mahabharat is a 2013 drama TV series on Star Plus based on Indian legendary epic of the same name. It has been produced by Swastik Pictures and features actors such as Saurabh Raj Jain as Lord Krishna, Shaheer Sheikh as Arjuna, Pooja Sharma as Draupadi, Aham Sharma as Karna and Arav Chowdhary as Bhishma Pitamah. The producers had creative associations with writer Salim Khan, author Devdutt Pattanaik, designer Bhanu Athaiya, music directors Ajay-Atul and Ismail Darbar, action director Ram Shetty and set designer Omang Kumar. The casting of the show is done by Sahil Ansari, Mahesh Chandra Bhatt, Arun Mitra. It started broadcasting on 16 September 2013.
2013-09-11第 1 季
2013-09-15第 2 季
2013-09-25第 3 季
2013-10-23第 4 季
2013-11-11第 5 季
2013-12-05第 6 季
2013-12-17第 7 季
2013-12-24第 8 季
2014-01-08第 9 季
2014-01-17第 10 季
2014-01-28第 11 季
2014-02-15第 12 季
2014-03-11第 13 季
2014-03-17第 14 季
2014-03-22第 15 季
2014-03-26第 16 季
2014-04-10第 17 季
2014-04-26第 18 季
2014-05-12第 19 季
2014-05-19第 20 季
2014-05-28第 21 季
2014-06-13第 22 季
2014-06-18第 23 季
2014-06-24第 24 季
2014-07-02第 25 季
2013-07-07第 26 季
2014-07-15第 27 季
2014-07-23第 28 季