The Way of Pon
The story is set in Hiroshima Prefecture's Onomichi City, where a high school student Nashiko Jippensha was kicked out of her house. Without a place to play with her friends, she learns that the mahjong parlor that her father used to run is now vacant. She fixes the mahjong parlor and turns it into a place where she and her friends can have fun, cook, have tea, and sometimes play mahjong.
演员 (6/6)
职员 (16/16)
Kenji Ota
Character Designerhalca
Theme Song PerformanceTatsuma Minamikawa
Series DirectorYoshiaki Kimura
EditorMiyabi Amada
Director of PhotographyScott MacDonald
Art DirectionKana Nakada
Theme Song PerformanceNegi Haruba
Character DesignerTsuyoshi Takahashi
Sound DirectorEmi Kadono
Color DesignerTakuma Sogi
Original Music ComposerHisakuni
Original Music ComposerYuko Takahashi
Original Music ComposerRico Ohashi
Original Music ComposerKanji Eguchi
Original Music ComposerShari
Original Music Composer