Expedition Robinson is a Swedish reality television program in which contestants are put into survival situations, and a voting process eliminates one person each episode until a winner is determined. The format was developed in 1994 by Charlie Parsons for a United Kingdom TV production company called Planet 24, but the Swedish debut in 1997 was the first production to actually make it to television.
第 1 季
1997-09-13第 2 季
1998-09-12第 3 季
1999-09-25第 4 季
2000-10-07第 5 季
2001-10-06第 6 季
2002-11-16第 7 季
2003-05-01第 8 季
2004-09-11第 9 季
2009-03-21第 10 季
第 11 季
第 12 季
2009-11-21第 13 季
2010-10-07第 14 季
2011-08-29第 15 季
2012-08-20第 16 季
2015-03-30第 17 季
2018-03-18第 18 季
2019-03-17第 19 季
2020-03-15第 20 季
2021-03-21第 21 季
2022-03-20第 22 季
2022-10-09第 23 季
2023-03-19第 24 季
2023-10-02第 25 季
2024-03-17演员 (1/1)