Metamorphosis is a Singaporean Chinese action thriller drama which is being telecast on Singapore's free-to-air channel, MediaCorp TV Channel 8. It made its debut on 18 September 2007, screening at 2100 hours every night on weekdays. The serial consists of 20 episodes. In the last few episodes, the serial recorded a viewership rate of over 1 million and was awarded the "Best Drama Series Award" in the Star Awards 2007. Yvonne Lim also received the "Best Actress Award" in the same event.
演员 (15/15)
Terence Cao
Di LunChen Hanwei
Ou Yang LiAi Leng Ong
Blood RoseBryan Chan
Cao Zhong MingAdam Chen
Ke Ming DeRui En
An Xiao QianJulian Hee
Leo Meng Tian BaoNathaniel Ho
Wen Pin LiangHong Huifang
Ou Yang SuHuang Yiliang
Red PigYvonne Lim
Sheryl Wen Wan RouCarole Lin
Melinda GuanRichard Low
An Guo XiongNg Hui
Mya Sun Mei YaThomas Ong
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