GMA Network and Regal Entertainment proudly present 'Lovers/Liars,' a nonconventional triple-plot drama series that shows the duality between genuine affection and deceitful intentions. The star-studded cast includes Claudine Barretto, Shaira Diaz, Yasser Marta, Rob Gomez, Kimson Tan, Michelle Vito, Sarah Edwards, Polo Ravales, Christian Vasquez, and Lianne Valentin. Lovers/Liars is under the helm of Direk Crisanto Aquino and created by Jose Javier Reyes and Noreen Capili.
演员 (20/26)
Claudine Barretto
Olivia "Via" Salalac-LaurenteShaira Diaz
Annika "Nika" AquinoYasser Marta
Carlos "Caloy" MarasiganChristian Vasquez
Victor TamayoLianne Valentin
Hannah SalalacKimson Tan
Kelvin ChongPolo Ravales
Dr. Ronnie San DiegoMichelle Vito
Andrea "Andeng" SagradoRob Gomez
Joseph MentirosoSarah Edwards
Katrina "Trina" LaurenteDJ Jhai Ho
Lucas "Lucy" de LeonJohnny Revilla
Ramon LaurenteRosh Barman
Pedro "Peds" SagradoRuslan Jacob
Kenneth Sagrado MentirosoLorraine Wong
SallyEloisa Villamor
Teacher JonalynAndrew Gan
CelsoJohn James Uy
JedRaymond Mabute
Robin ArguellesMarnie Lapuz