The Uncle Bobby Show(1964)
"Uncle Bobby" was a Canadian children's TV show that aired from 1964 to 1979 on Toronto's CFTO and briefly on the CTV network. Initially known as "Uncle Bobby and Friends," it later became "Kid's Corner" in 1979 and continued as a syndicated Saturday morning program. Starring Bobby Ash, a former comedian and circus clown from the UK, regulars on the show included Bimbo: The Birthday Clown, a cardboard cut-out that would make an appearance as Uncle Bobby announced the day's birthday greetings; Meredith Cutting (The Singing Policeman); Cy Leonard (the ventriloquist); Ron Leonard (magician); Barry McKay (wildlife artist); Ruth Winkler (clay artist); Nancy McCaig (accordion); and Alex Laurier (guitarist). Produced at CFTO's Channel Nine Court studios, the show was known for Uncle Bobby's iconic catchphrase, "MMMM...BOBBY'S HERE!!!" Described as "avuncular without being condescending" by Maclean's magazine, it engaged children and featured them as "bobbysoxers" on the show.