The story is set in a tumultuous era where the world is facing a probable invasion by the demon world due to a rift in the heavens. The world's most powerful cultivator Chu Wanning did not forget his original intention of joining the world to help the Dao cultivation and sets out on a mission to protect the beings of the world. He uses his abilities to prevent the heavens from splitting and at the same time, his compassion and love influences his misguided disciple Mo Ran to return to the righteous path he has strayed from. Chu Wanning also successfully imparts the value of putting the greater good before personal desires to Mo Ran. In the end, the pair of teacher and disciple dedicate their lives and work together with the rest of the cultivating heroes to stop the villains' conspiracy and protect the world.
演员 (19/19)
Arthur Chen
Mo RanLuo Yunxi
Chu WanningChen Yao
Shi MingjingZhou Qi
Xue MengTse Kwan-Ho
Xue ZhengyongWang Yan
Wang ChuqingPatrick Quan
Mei HanxueCui Peng
Xu ShuanglinHuang Haibing
Nangong ChangyingZheng Guolin
Jiang XiDong Xuan
Rong YanYang Xue
Duan YihanHuang Yun Yun
Song QiutongAn Danwei
Ye WangxiZeawo
Song XingyiZhou Dawei
Nangong SiLi Jiulin
Mu YanliWang Yongquan
Huai ZuiLin Ziye
Chu Wanning [Young]出品方
Returning Series