Suicide Squad ISEKAI
In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., assembles a group of notorious criminals—Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface and King Shark—for a mission into an otherworldly realm that's connected to this world through a gate. It's a realm of swords and magic where orcs rampage and dragons rule the skies. Can Harley Quinn and her crew conquer this perilous realm?
演员 (6/6)
职员 (16/16)
Bruce Timm
CharactersBob Kane
CharactersPaul Dini
CharactersBill Finger
CharactersLen Wein
CharactersJohn Byrne
CharactersTomoyasu Hotei
Theme Song PerformanceJerry Robinson
CharactersJohn Ostrander
CharactersEiji Umehara
Series CompositionKenichiro Suehiro
Original Music ComposerEri Osada
Series DirectorNaoto Hosoda
Character DesignerAkira Amano
Character DesignerTappei Nagatsuki
Series CompositionShinya Tsuruoka